45 minutes
$78.00 per session (session = 4 weeks)
This 6-7 year old program is an age and ability appropriate, specially designed training program that teaches the understanding of body movement. The primary focus is to develop fundamental basics, creating a solid foundation to build upon in the older years such as balance, coordination, cooperation and respect.
1 hour
$93.00 per session (session = 4 weeks)
At this level, execution of powerful and precise techniques will be obvious as well as improved concentration, self assurance, confidence, and respect. Just as important as the blocks, kicks and punches learned is the lesson of patience. The importance of repetition to reinforcement perfection will become evident to every beginner as self control grows. In addition to deepening their training, children are now introduced to a more thorough method of the teaching and learning process essential to continued success. The stances and precise movements build strength, stamina, focus, breath control, balance, and coordination.
1 hour
$93.00 per session (session = 4 weeks)
The teen class includes beginner and intermediate students. The curriculum and benefits of the training are that of the other youth programs but the training is presented in a manner that is appropriate and enjoyable for their age. Teens will enjoy the increase in athletic skills and confidence. This class is also an excellent bridge for those moving on to Black Belt and beyond.
For more information about the program visit
We offer a wide variety of programs. Check out everything we have to offer below.
721 Centre View Blvd
Crestview Hills, KY 41017
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